Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Are you your own worst critic?

My crazy cooko amigo H sent me this beautiful video just recently. 
It made me recall a moment.
I remember having this discussion with my good friend Eve earlier this March, though I can't quite recall how we ended up with what I'm going to summarize for you. And that topic was her badonkadonk or the junk she has in her trunk or arse or booty or boot-ey or... anyways, you got my drift. 
I was saying how much innocently in love I am with it. Seriously! Let me paint you a picture. Better yet, let a familiar picture do half the work here. Remember the Man Ray photography, where an unknown female's body was portrayed as a cello? Well basically that is my girl Eve. Her booty is shaped like a perfect anatomically incorrect heart that will make every sensible straight guy turn his head. And I almost feel like I'm not doing it justice by calling it... an "it". Feel free to leave some of your name offers in the comments. 
I can't spill any more details about how this conversation went ahead, because that would just be inappropriate for a larger audience. Spoiler: dirty comments. Hey, I'm her friend, I'm allowed the usage of graphic language. 
And after being as persuasive as I could be and not sparing on uncomfortable details she broke into tears, telling me how she has never been satisfied with it. How it's "flat from the side" and "this" and "that" and a bunch of other insignificant details she's been holding onto foolishly. 
And it was at that moment, as she later confessed, that my words helped make peace with what she saw when trying to glance from her shoulder at the image staring her back from the mirror. 
I know this is much like a continuation or a repetition of this post.
But you've definitely heard once or a couple of dozen times the saying like "you have to love yourself before anyone else can", right? Honestly, whoever said that? I mean, I don't entirely disagree with it, but as much as I've seen and felt myself then it's the empathy/sympathy/compassion relationships we have with the folks around us that will eventually help us find that love for ourselves. I think what that saying means to proclaim is that we shouldn't expect another person to perform miracles with Me, Myself&I and Image.  
A compliment may be all what's missing for making peace. 

Thanks H for the video recommendation. 

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