Monday, September 17, 2012

A surprise visitor II

Howdy there, people of thy World! EMO aka Eve “Stop everything you are doing and be
AWESOME! “ is here to finish some unfinished business. I’m here to post my post
of the blogrape agreement me and Jane here had. I know, it took a what, almost 5 months, but
I have an excuse (not that any one cares. Like our literature teacher always said: “Who can’t
find an excuse for himself, is an idiot“) – I simply didn’t have ideas worthy enough to be seen
here, as this place is just too Awesome to handle, right?!

So, lately, Jane came up with this idea, which she borrowed from someone else, to write a
story based on a Fashion picture (well, she said, any picture, but I let her to decide, I wanted
a challenge). I was up to it. Why? Not only I haven’t written something properly for over a
year now, which is a total bummer, I know I should be writing stories if one day I want to
pursue my inner senses and turn them into books (shhhh, it’s a secret), but I also can use it as
my post on this blog. How more convenient can it get, right?!

Before we start, something about what influenced me while writing this. Basically, I
obviously had to choose the picture first. I try to listen to my first instinct and my eyes just
landed on this utterly magical, enhancing, something worth turning into a story. I came up
with the beginning while listening to one song, which I don’t quite remember anymore. After
that I had a fallout. Thoughts fought me in order not to become words. And then, I started

Heartbeat, sci-fi, heartbreak, yin-yang, lace, light and dark, Loom, Phantom of the Opera,
green, Kanye West-Love Lockdown, Adam Lambert- Underneath.

The proper (if any) way of reading the next piece, which is quite unusual even for myself, is
like this. Turn on you imagination – prepare it before reading. Get yourself in the imagining
mood. (Here, do something that will get you “going“) Read it slowly. Embrace it. Read into
words. Picture them. Let your own experiences, your own associations with the words create
images in your head. See the words as if they were a short film (yeah, I recently became very
obsessive about short films). Create the story. Fill it with more details, like a proper book
does it to you. Just tune yourself into something different. Reach out there where you have
never been before. Experience in those short moments something new. And then savour it. Let
it linger. Don’t rush through it. If something bothers you, come back, read it again or forget
forever. Just don’t leave it unread.

People change – the lie I didn’t believe in. I was proved wrong very soon. Sooner than I
expected, not that I expected it at all.

They say you never forget your first love. I wish I could. We met in early September. Leaves
lay under my feet when our eyes met. I didn’t have to think twice. His green eyes flickered in
the sunlight. The smile that made me want to forget the world existed. His voice, unbearable
to hear, dark and too seductive.

I wish I wouldn’t have fallen. I simply wish our ways never crossed.

He didn’t pursue me sexually. His senses reached higher. He longed for something beyond
imagination. He took me to his secret places inside his mind, carefully chosen to reflect one
or other desire of his. He bathed me in his darkest thoughts. Darkest dreams. In the dark itself.
He owned me. He owned my soul. He filled it with dark. I have never seen dark as beautiful
as he had shown me. I never understood dark until then. He was the dark.

To the outside world we were barely visible. People never see the dark, they are scared of it.
Scared of what they might find in it. I was one of them. People change.

Time was irrelevant. It stood still, yet ran faster than ever. Year has passed in a blink of an

Everything changed.

I woke up in the middle of the night only to find he was gone. In the morning, the same green
eyes greeted me. They bore a different energy to them. Light. His voice, his hair, his mind...
They were light. Luminous. Dangerous. Destroying me from the inside. He had changed.
Everything about him had changed.

He made me wear white. He kissed me. His kiss left my lips burning like Sun itself kissed
them mercilessly, leaving behind the sensation of cold. I was freezing. Light started to creep
in, forcing dark to surrender. To leave me. To leave the world he created for me. Within me.

I was left hollow.
He disappeared.
I never saw him again.
I didn’t have time to tell him I loved him.
I am happy I didn’t.
Light consumed me.
Dark ate me.
His job was done.

Now, as you have probably turned back from wherever place you visited, I want to talk about
Jane. If you might have read, she left quite a tearful-truth-Awesomeness here - A surprise
visitor - and
I wanted to give something back.

I consider myself a very lucky person for the God or Universe or whatever Higher Power or
even Life itself bringing me into her life. I couldn’t be more grateful. I constantly remind her
how much she means to me, in case she doesn't know it already, and I know how I can get
a bit annoying with that. I can’t say enough, how much I appreciate her, love her, adore her,
admire her. About that, I admire her, because she possesses so many Awesome qualities that
you simply can't overlook them. She has this mind of hers that comes up with these wonderful
and so original ideas, she amazes me every single time [damn, this girl in High School -
she rocked, she was the one that came up with most of our great performances and other incredible thing we did during our serving time :D] She is very determined. She has so many
quirks, but I know that I have more, sorry. She is an incredible artist and craftsman. Did you
know? (Probably not) She, after she saw this post - Awesome BadAss Walk - made me this for
my Birthday?!?!:

Like, for Crying Out Loud, Woman, are you serious? She rocked my world. She always has.
Always will.

I owe her my love and a rising interest in Fashion, Fashion Images, Stripes, Black & White,
Jackets, Mixing Feminine & Masculine styles, Life. I feel like she has made my life so much
more Awesome. And she shares very Awesome music with me - great choice of music, just
bloody splendid.
She doesn't give herself enough credit. I never take anything for granted and therefore I
always remind her, how Awesome she is.

She once said that she is my brain/sense of reason. I totally believe her.

She is a food maniac and she eats very slowly. She loves the smell of asphalt after the rain.
She loves watching "Betty". She loves eating Spaghetti Carbonara. She bakes the best in the
world Pavlova (check here somewhere for da best recipe). She loves old-school musicals. She
doesn't have Facebook nor Twitter nor other bull*** social media demons :D . She doesn't
like being the centre of attention. She is more masculine than Timo.(You can edit that out, if
you feel the need.) She is my Socially Awkward Penguin Friend (I am one too, you see). She
loves DIY & flea markets. She has this thing when she does her nails, she leaves the left hand
pinkie finger the other colour than the rest. She loves Oreos. And yet, there is so much more
to her. There are many other things I know and some I don't...(Like she pointed out one – Do
you think you know everything about me?)

You, my dear, are the person that inspires everybody else, especially me. You are the weird,
eclectic and stunning human being. You. YOU!

And now, I give you something that we all might enjoy. Pictures. Just freaking Awesome
pictures I found in my countless (8) folders with thounsands of saved pictures. I am crazy, but
so is Jane.

For now, my time has run out here. Love you, Janey. Thanks for letting me here, on your
territory. I hope I did fine. Didn’t scare your crowd away or anything.

Stay Awesome, folks!

Your EMO.